Akina Cox
BOZOMAG is pleased to announce “Apokalypsis," an exhibition of new works by Akina Cox. This exhibition opens on Sunday, March 15th.
How does one fight against a power structure that seems all encompassing? Should we give up? Is it possible to start again, or will our past poison our future?
“Apokalypsis” seeks answers to these questions by understanding how politics, belief systems, and folktales intertwine themselves to create a culture of exploitation. Cox’s use of materials -- raffia, casein, and papier-mâché -- points to a history of craft, used for centuries to teach children motor skills while engaging them through storytelling. Other materials -- ivory black made from charred bones, clay, black walnut ink, and tea appear in the Bible and other ancient texts, both as divination tools and conjuring devices.
Together, these materials form an apokalypsis, part of an ancient tradition of prophetic texts. The most well-known example is the Bible’s “Book of Revelations,” in which monsters appear to punish humanity. To create this “Apokalypsis,” Cox reflects on her childhood in the Unification Church, a notorious cult also known as the "Moonies". Like most cults, they taught members that outsiders were evil and Satanic. When Cox left the Unification Church, she realized that the very people she was warned about -- feminists, artists, activists -- were the people fighting for her all along, before she even knew she needed them. Through their friendship, she learned that paradise was not a far-off result, dependent on a decision to fight or start over. It could be found nearby, in a community working together.
Akina Cox moved to Los Angeles in 2003 after being raised in the Unification Church. She graduated from CalArts with an MFA in 2012. Her work has been included in exhibitions at Commonwealth and Council, Monte Vista Projects, and LACE. Her artist books have been published by New Byzantium Press and Golden Spike Press, and can be purchased at Otherwild in Los Angeles, Art Metropole in Toronto, and Printed Matter in New York City.
815 Cresthaven Drive, Los Angeles CA 90042
*Enter through the gate & walk towards the back-house*
Installation images by: Walker Olesen
*Open by appointment only until further notice. Book an appointment from 11am-4pm on each Sunday until July 19th. Email us if Sundays do not work for you!*
“Amanda, Christina, Anne, Maya, Caro, Nikki, Khalf, Jay, Iris, So-Young, Hannah, Jacko, Hayley, Amy, Astri, Melissa, Leah, Bianca, Sarah, Laura, Alice, Jake, Margaret, Fiona, Carrie, Ann, Bailey, Jade, Justin, Irene, Alika, Yvette, Kara, Melinda, Marie, Gilda, Stefanie, Michelle, Ariana, Emily, Gracie, Maura, Cammie, Krista, Allison, Claire, Esther, Ashley”, 2020. Ivory black, ochres, ink, marble dust on canvas dyed with tea & rust. (41 in. x 53 in.)
“Apokalypsis”, 2020. Papier-mache, ivory black, ink, casein & tea on paper. (29.5 in. x 22 in.)
“The Queen that Made the Sun into Her Crown”, 2020. Ivory black, ochres, linseed oil, marble dust on canvas dyed with tea & rust. (12.5 in. x 16.125 in.)
“Charlotte, Jade, Margaret, Amanda, Pearl”, 2020. Ivory black, ink, casein, & tea on paper. (14 in. x 17 in.)
“Ariana, Krista, Esther, Akina”, 2020. Ivory black, ochres, linseed oil, marble dust on canvas dyed with tea & rust. (23 in. x 19 in.)
“The Black Mare”, 2020. Ivory black, ink, casein, & tea on paper. (14.125 in. x 16.75 in.)
“Medusa”, 2020. Ivory black, ochres, linseed oil & marble dust on canvas dyed with tea & rust. (16 in. x 20 in.)
“Nip-Nop (1)”, 2020. Tea on paper with felt. (12 in. x 9 in.)
“Ceres”, 2020. Papier-mache, ink, casein, & tea on paper. (11 in. x 15 in.)
“Study for Ree (1)”, 2020. Indigo, casein, & raffia on paper. Dimensions variable.
“Study for Ree (3)”, 2020. Indigo, casein, & raffia. Dimensions variable.
“Danny”, 2020. Ivory black, ochres, marble dust on canvas dyed with tea & rust. (9 in. x 11.5 in.)